Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Reunion weekend

Been a while since an update was made to the blog, forgot to make an entry during the reunion weekend.  Last Memorial Day weekend, the group got together on Friday to play (4) games, called the Cornfield Corsairs.  The teams were drafted during the week prior, so chances of playing with the guys you were team mates with during Fantasy Camp are limited.  I played against Dave Miller & Teddy, and their team beat ours.  It is tough to pitch to a catcher who never has caught before.  Many trips to the backstop and pitching mechanics suffer greatly.

My son Adam was with me in Pittsburgh for the weekend, we had a blast, did many touristy things.  Finding the portion of Forbes Field, where Maz's 1960 series winning home run cleared the wall, was tricky to find, but well worth the trek.

Saturday morning was our chance to be Pirates and play at PNC.  Words cannot describe playing on a major league field.  I thought Pirate City was awesome, PNC, even better.  The outfield grass, better than playing on carpet.  Made you feel faster and more confident, knowing no bad hops or twisted ankles.

On Saturday morning, the reunion games were played at PNC Park.  If I thought playing at Pirate City was a thrill, the major league field is even better.  I have been asked if the grass was like carpet?  The appropriate answer would be - better than carpet.  I went 1 for 1, drove in Dave Miller, who hit a monster triple, 1 hop off the right field wall.  Best of all we beat the only team who beat us in Florida, final score 2-1.  Big ups to Roy Berger who lumbered around third on a base hit to right field, to score the winning run.  He claims he can't run, but when you give him the proper encouragement, he really has blistering wheels.

We missed Thomas Brooks, who had a mix up with schedules, and did not attend.  All other Team Vaughn members did make the trip - it was great to see them again.

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