Sunday, April 19, 2015

Friday - game 3 & game 4

First game of the day was versus NY Yankees #1, played in the stadium.  Surprisingly, not too sore this morning.  Got up and did the usual - 3 miles on the elliptical and some light weight lifting & stretching.  Very cool to begin the morning meeting up with Thomas, David, and Gary. We ride to the stadium locker room together.  The locker room is always a site, with all the clean uniforms awaiting another day of playing baseball.  Next order of business is throwing indoor batting practice to David & Thomas, about 100 pitches a day.

We took the early lead in the game, scoring 2 runs.  The Yankees tied us at 2.  Then came the turning point of the game.  With two outs, runners on 2nd & 3rd, Spanky came to the mound to talk strategy with the infield, pitcher, and catcher.  After the conversation discussing the lead the runner on 2nd was getting, the trap was set. One pitch was made to home plate.  The next delivery, our shortstop stayed in his position, David Gibbon executed the perfect "reverse pivot" pick-off move, with Tom Bouchard (2nd base) sneaking in to receive the ball and apply a tag to a Yankee runner laying on the ground about a foot short of the bag!  Quite a view from left field to see the whole play evolve.  Stupid base running, was the rally killer.  We went onto score 4 rune and won the game 6 -2.  Pirates 3 wins, no losses.

The lefty who pitched for the Yankees was an excellent pitcher.  He had many moves to hold runners on 1st base and usually had you leaning back to the base for fear of being picked off.  Later I learned that he was a local guy, not on the roster, but was called by his friends at 10:00 pm the night before.  They told him they needed a pitcher and whatever he could do would be great.  He hadn't pitched off a mound in 2 years.  You would have never known it!  He was dominating, great fastball, better cut fastball, and a nasty curve ball.  We got to him because of fatigue and too many base runners.

On my first at bat, he threw a cut fast ball, which rode in on my hands, total jam job.  I swung hitting  soft liner to the left of the pitcher mound, which should have been an infield single.  However, the pitcher falling to the left side of the mound, dove - laying out to catch the ball and double off the Ron Lepionka off first base.  The bigger shock was about to come as I returned to retrieve my bat. Laying on the dirt at home plate, much to my surprise was my bamboo bat - broken.  Something I told my wife would never happen.  Wrong again.

An inning later, David Miller's favorite maple bat was sawed off.  Looked like a bad sign.

My son Adam and his friend Nick immediately began searching the local Dick's Sporting Goods to find a replacements.  Appeared to have a solution 12 minutes away.  However, when we got to the store - both bats awaiting my pick-up were incorrect.  I was able to find Miller's bat, no black & brown bamboo.  I did buy another red & blue bamboo, just in case my remaining bat was broken.  Thanks Adam & Nick for your diligent and exhaustive search.

Had another 1 for 3 day.  Hitting just doesn't seem to be coming around.

The afternoon game was against NY Yankees #2.  Roy Berger knew many of the players, as he attended Yankees Fantasy Camp with many of the players.  We began this contest down 2-0. Duane Shifano pitched an excellent game.  He doesn't throw as hard as Lester or David Gibbon.  About BP speed, relying on players in the field to make plays.  For six innings we did just that.  By the time the 6th rolled around, we had a 4-2 lead.  With the Yankees threatening, runners on 2nd & 3rd, with two outs.  Spanky decided to bring in Lester.  In the outfield, David & I said - these poor guys didn't know what was about to happen.  Against Duane, they had confidence they could hit.  When Lester hit the mound, they had no idea how hard he threw.  Lester overpowered the hitter, Yankees leave 2 stranded.  In the 7th, first two hitters are blown away.  The next hitter, a lefty, battles in the count.  On the 2-2 pitch, he screams a liner down the third base line, right into the glove of Thomas Brooks.  Game over Pirates win 4-2, record 4 wins & 0 losses.

Note worthy memories from this game.  The Yankees had a guy who wore #2 (Derek Jeter's), this guy looked like Jeter too!  In his first at bat, he took a Duane pitch and smoked (smoke is not even accurate) it over center fielder David Miller's head.  The impressive part watching this from left field was: how fast the ball elevated, how fast the ball traveled, and how far it landed.  This tournament certainly wasn't Fantasy Camp - all these guys can play!

Spanky did his usual in game managing.  It is truly amazing how well he positions us, provides just the right amount of coaching, and is always one step ahead of the in game situations.  As a player, you are always being provided with the pertinent information, allowing you to execute, without much thinking.  Splendid job.

We also were given some help.  It appears that the Phillies lost their afternoon game, which means we have a two game lead over them with 1 to play.  Safe to say - the Bucs are in the Championship Game!  Awesome...

Photos to follow, when I return home.

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