Sunday, April 19, 2015

Saturday - Championship Game

Tough thing to have to write.  Buccos lost the championship game to the Red Sox 7 to 5.  Pirates win the coin flip and are the home team.

2nd - Pirates score 2, lead 2 - 0
3rd - Red Sox score 2, tied 2 - 2
4th - Red Sox score 1, lead 2 - 3
5th - Red Sox score 1, lead 2 - 4
7th - Pirates score 2, tied 4 - 4
8th - Red Sox score 3, lead 4 - 7
8th- Pirates score 1, final 5 - 7

This is only a teaser.  What unfolded on Saturday night was a truly classic ballgame. We provided an excellent game for the other campers to watch, which they greatly appreciated.  I will edit this post once I return home.

I will say - this was a very tough loss to take.  I don't believe in moral victories, I'm not an "everyone gets a trophy believer", and the sting from a loss like this is exactly how life sometimes is.  The lesson to take away, we didn't play hard enough.  We didn't make some plays we should have and the result is the Red Sox won for the third year in a row.  So the Pirates will get back to work with one unfinished goal - bring a FCCS trophy back to Pirate City.

It was an unbelievable experience, one which I never will forget.  Let's Go Bucs!

Now if the Major League team can get into the playoffs and make some noise.  Attending this tourney sure got the 2015 MLB season off with a bang.

Saturday - Game 5

With the championship game clinched.  Quite a different feeling arriving at the ball park.  All the other teams are congratulating you on a job well done.  Wishing you good luck for the evening game.  Most of all they are saying they are tired of the Red Sox and want you to take them down.  Which we fully intend to accomplish.

These entries will be brief, as it is Sunday morning, David Miler, Adam, & I are off to the Rays-Yankess game at Tropicana Field (stadium #23 of 30 for me - can't wait, even if the place is a dump)

The Pirate team rested half of the starters for the game against the Mets.  We pitched players who were not as dominate as our big arms.  The day is sunny, humid, with a temperature 87 degrees. I sucks the life out of you.  You can't hydrate enough.

We got bombed by the Mets 10-2.  They hit the ball, but most of all was the play of their left fielder.  I scorched a shot, down the left field line, thought I had a double.  So did Spanky, instructing the runner on 2nd to score.  Much to our surprise, the ball was run down by a speedy left field.  My double, turned into a double play!

He made another spectacular play catching a mid range fly ball and threw a perfect strike to the catcher, to double up the runner tagging from third.  What outfielder has two double plays in the same game?

I played the entire game in center field. Made a long running catch in the left center field gap, off the bat of their catcher.  He crushed this, I didn't think I had a chance, just kept running full tilt until I caught up with it.  I also got an assist, throwing out a guy advancing from first to second.  What a difference wearing contacts.  It allows many of these catches to be made, as I am able to see the ball better and run it down without attempting to adjust field of vision, due to my frames.

Photos to follow when I return home.

Friday - game 3 & game 4

First game of the day was versus NY Yankees #1, played in the stadium.  Surprisingly, not too sore this morning.  Got up and did the usual - 3 miles on the elliptical and some light weight lifting & stretching.  Very cool to begin the morning meeting up with Thomas, David, and Gary. We ride to the stadium locker room together.  The locker room is always a site, with all the clean uniforms awaiting another day of playing baseball.  Next order of business is throwing indoor batting practice to David & Thomas, about 100 pitches a day.

We took the early lead in the game, scoring 2 runs.  The Yankees tied us at 2.  Then came the turning point of the game.  With two outs, runners on 2nd & 3rd, Spanky came to the mound to talk strategy with the infield, pitcher, and catcher.  After the conversation discussing the lead the runner on 2nd was getting, the trap was set. One pitch was made to home plate.  The next delivery, our shortstop stayed in his position, David Gibbon executed the perfect "reverse pivot" pick-off move, with Tom Bouchard (2nd base) sneaking in to receive the ball and apply a tag to a Yankee runner laying on the ground about a foot short of the bag!  Quite a view from left field to see the whole play evolve.  Stupid base running, was the rally killer.  We went onto score 4 rune and won the game 6 -2.  Pirates 3 wins, no losses.

The lefty who pitched for the Yankees was an excellent pitcher.  He had many moves to hold runners on 1st base and usually had you leaning back to the base for fear of being picked off.  Later I learned that he was a local guy, not on the roster, but was called by his friends at 10:00 pm the night before.  They told him they needed a pitcher and whatever he could do would be great.  He hadn't pitched off a mound in 2 years.  You would have never known it!  He was dominating, great fastball, better cut fastball, and a nasty curve ball.  We got to him because of fatigue and too many base runners.

On my first at bat, he threw a cut fast ball, which rode in on my hands, total jam job.  I swung hitting  soft liner to the left of the pitcher mound, which should have been an infield single.  However, the pitcher falling to the left side of the mound, dove - laying out to catch the ball and double off the Ron Lepionka off first base.  The bigger shock was about to come as I returned to retrieve my bat. Laying on the dirt at home plate, much to my surprise was my bamboo bat - broken.  Something I told my wife would never happen.  Wrong again.

An inning later, David Miller's favorite maple bat was sawed off.  Looked like a bad sign.

My son Adam and his friend Nick immediately began searching the local Dick's Sporting Goods to find a replacements.  Appeared to have a solution 12 minutes away.  However, when we got to the store - both bats awaiting my pick-up were incorrect.  I was able to find Miller's bat, no black & brown bamboo.  I did buy another red & blue bamboo, just in case my remaining bat was broken.  Thanks Adam & Nick for your diligent and exhaustive search.

Had another 1 for 3 day.  Hitting just doesn't seem to be coming around.

The afternoon game was against NY Yankees #2.  Roy Berger knew many of the players, as he attended Yankees Fantasy Camp with many of the players.  We began this contest down 2-0. Duane Shifano pitched an excellent game.  He doesn't throw as hard as Lester or David Gibbon.  About BP speed, relying on players in the field to make plays.  For six innings we did just that.  By the time the 6th rolled around, we had a 4-2 lead.  With the Yankees threatening, runners on 2nd & 3rd, with two outs.  Spanky decided to bring in Lester.  In the outfield, David & I said - these poor guys didn't know what was about to happen.  Against Duane, they had confidence they could hit.  When Lester hit the mound, they had no idea how hard he threw.  Lester overpowered the hitter, Yankees leave 2 stranded.  In the 7th, first two hitters are blown away.  The next hitter, a lefty, battles in the count.  On the 2-2 pitch, he screams a liner down the third base line, right into the glove of Thomas Brooks.  Game over Pirates win 4-2, record 4 wins & 0 losses.

Note worthy memories from this game.  The Yankees had a guy who wore #2 (Derek Jeter's), this guy looked like Jeter too!  In his first at bat, he took a Duane pitch and smoked (smoke is not even accurate) it over center fielder David Miller's head.  The impressive part watching this from left field was: how fast the ball elevated, how fast the ball traveled, and how far it landed.  This tournament certainly wasn't Fantasy Camp - all these guys can play!

Spanky did his usual in game managing.  It is truly amazing how well he positions us, provides just the right amount of coaching, and is always one step ahead of the in game situations.  As a player, you are always being provided with the pertinent information, allowing you to execute, without much thinking.  Splendid job.

We also were given some help.  It appears that the Phillies lost their afternoon game, which means we have a two game lead over them with 1 to play.  Safe to say - the Bucs are in the Championship Game!  Awesome...

Photos to follow, when I return home.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Thursday - Game 1 & Game 2

We started today by hitting the batting cages before other campers showed up. Thomas Brooks, David Miller, and I.  I threw to Thomas & David.  Thomas threw to me.  Below are a few photos of the batting cages. Pretty cool to be hitting in the same cages as so many Yankee greats.  Brooks & Miller hit the ball very well, I am still working on staying back and getting my hands through.

If the videos upload properly- check out some of their swings.

Next was making the walk from the Yankees locker room to the field. The view is something special. Roy Berger provided the commentary on just how special of a feeling it is.

Onto today's game action.  The stadium is gorgeous.  Again when you think of all the Yankee prospects and ultimately Yankee players who used this field to begin their careers, very fortunate to be here.

Like the shoes & socks combination?  You are not allowed to wear your spikes into the locker room, so the shoes were a must.  Tomorrow I will be showing off my new Nike's that we got, due to early registration.

I also won the Pirates daily raffle, which was the FCCS 2015 shorts shown below.  It goes well with the FCCS 2015 long sleeve t-shirt, which was in our locker at the conclusion of today's games.

Our initial game was against the Phillies, who won the tourney, two years ago.  They had a good club, with some big bats.  However, we countered with a pitcher named Lester Beaird (lockers next to me), who kept them guessing for 7 strong innings.  Between a fastball which overpowered the Philly hitters to a curveball which fooled them.  He was in a word - dominate.  Made playing the outfield, well, boring.  The offense did the job, putting up 7 runs.  Final score - Pirates 7  Phillies 0.  I got 1 hit in 3 at bats, scored a run.

After clubhouse snacks.  (PBJ & crackers)  We headed to Himes Development Center.  4 fields in the shadow of Raymond James Stadium, home of the Tampa Bucs.  (notice the common theme),  The fields are nice, but not like the stadium.  We squared off against Mets #2, who were beaten in their morning game.  Spanky gave us a talk before the game, stating that after playing such a good morning game, the tendency is to have a let down, allowing the opponent to sneak a win.  We had our chances in the first, but with some unbelievable fielding plays (diving outfield catches), we walked away with a goose egg.  The feeling was - here we go.  The Mets scored 3 runs in the bottom of the 1st, suddenly we were facing our first deficit.  We scored 1 in the second and 2 in the third to tie the game.  Somewhat of a turning point came when I was hit in the back by a fastball.  I was slightly more than upset and had a little discomfort.  The very next inning in the field a Met batter hit a flair down the left field line.  I got a great jump on the ball and with the help of David Miller yelling - "go get it" I made a shoestring catch, that made Met coach Rodney McCray (the guy who ran through the left field wall in Portland - great You-Tube video to check out) say "nobody catches that in Fantasy Camp, great catch!"

After both teams trading runs and the score tied 4-4.  I came up with 2 outs and a man on third.  I haven't been hitting very well, I did smoke a line drive single to score the run.  The eventual game winning RBI (sweet).  We scored 2 additional insurance runs, final score, Pirates 7 - Mets 4.  The big story though was the pitching of Duane Schifano.  He relieved Thomas Brooks, after Brooks developed muscle cramps.  Duane worked out a couple of jams, which put us in position to pull out the victory.  This win wasn't pretty, but very effective.  It showed how the team can pull together and get contributions from a multitude of personnel.  I got 1 hit in 2 at bats (HBP no time at bat).  Finally got to advance on passed balls - twice.

Much of the credit for this win also can be attributed to Ward "Wardo" Brigham, who made many tactical calls which contributed to the victory.  The other acknowledgement goes to Mike "Spanky" LaValliere, who sees baseball like a professional.  He is constantly making suggestions which the players are unaware of.  Our aggressive base running places great stress on the defense, as predicted by Spanky, and made the difference in W or L in this game.  Mike made adjustments to my hitting (hand location & stride length) which have helped me to put a charge in a few pitches.  Many thanks!

Dave Miller summed the day up like this, "We won two games, it was fun."

Friday's Pool game at 10:00 am is against the Yankees #1.

Friday's Cross Bracket game at 1:00 is against the Mets #1.

Photos of Himes Field.  Photos of the Yankees clubhouse, with the various team uniforms.  Eddie and the clubhouse staff do an excellent job in preparing us.

Plenty tired from all the running & throwing today, ready to call it a night.  One final note  Rangers 2 - Penguins 1.  Red Wings 3 - Tampa 2.  Quite a day...

Wed - April 15th, travel day, practice,team dinner

Weather this morning in MI:  38 degrees

Flew from DTW to CVG, the CVG to TPA. Got off the plane to 84 degrees - humid & balmy.  So much for the sweatshirts & pullovers I packed!  Like mid summer.  I'll take it.

Met Adam in the airport.  He is heading Clearwater to see an old neighborhood friend, Nick Gravlin.

We are lodging at the Sheraton Suites, not far from the Yankees complex.  Photo of lobby shown below.

Arrived at noon,  Practice is at 2:30 pm.  Dave Miller arrived last night, he is who I am rooming with.  I get the first look at his twisted ankle.  Not so bad, he has it taped and believes he will be running at practice.  Progress.

The Yankees complex is like all MLB Florida training facilities - amazing.  The fields are putting green quality grass - everywhere.  Makes running in the outfield very fun.  Never worry about bad hops.

We took the field to the instruction of Spanky,who is a baseball field general.  He is vocal (which I like), a tactician, and a teacher.  Some of the things you take for granted or don't notice in a game, he has broken down into easy instructions.  He is in charge and makes that clear from the minute we got onto the field.  Practice is very methodical.  We worked on: infield & outfield, covering 1st base for pitchers, fielding & throwing to 2nd for pitchers, then took batting practice (4 groups of 4), then base  running, and finished with bunting to 3rd or 1st - depending on the sign.

Photos above are some of the drills.  Dave Miller crushing batting practice.  Roy Berger very impressive in batting practice.  Lockers in the stadium,which will be home base for next few days.  Then the smile that only comes from playing baseball with the FCCS Pirates.

Team dinner was at Columbia's, an establishment that is celebrating their 110th year anniversary this year.  Very impressive venue.  Food was excellent.  Hearing the stories of how Spanky hit a triple at Wrigley field was the highlight. Along with how he stole bases.  He will admit he was not the fastest runner in MLB - for any era!

We went over signs, strategy, rules, and most of all "tie breaker" rules.  We will have plenty of questions at the Thursday 8:30 am briefing.  Our baseball nerd IQ will show through.

Turning in at 11:30 pm, after hanging out with Dave, while he ices his ankle.  Morning workout at 5:00 am will come early.  Game with Phillies, 10:00 am, in the stadium (lucky us).

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Fantasy Camp Championship Series 2015 (FCCS) - Overview & Travel preparation

Roy Berger, 1st basemen for Team Vaughn, is also a Yankees fan.  He attended the Yankees Fantasy Camp in 2015, where somehow the ball got rolling, would the Pirates be interested in FCCS 2015.  He asked the Pirates, who must have said yes, because shortly after the invitations went out.  It did not take long for Pirate Fantasy Campers to respond and the next thing you know we have a full roster.

Thank you Roy for putting this experience together.  Glad to be a part of it.  Like everything the Pirates do for Fantasy Campers, it didn't take long for the organization to fully support.  Mike "Spanky" LaValliere was asked to manage the team, which he accepted.  Good news for us, bad news for the other 7 teams.

The tourney will be held at the Yankees spring training facility in Tampa.  The teams participating are:
Yankees 1 & 2
Mets 1 & 2
Phillies (2012 champions)
Red Sox (2013 & 2014 champions)

There are two divisions.  We will play 3 pool games, 2 crossover games, then the order of finishing will determine who plays for the championship.  Poo1 1, first place plays Pool 2, first place.  Consolation games are played by 2 vs 2, 3 vs 3, and 4 vs 4.  First rule of Team Vaughn 2014 - KNOW WHAT THE TIE BREAKERS ARE.  Better yet, the rules are simple, win 6 and you have a championship.

The Pirates official roster is as follows:

14 Lester Beaird
56 Roy Berger
16 Keith Bertetto, maybe 44?
11 Tom Bouchard
18 Wardo Brigham
17 Thomas Brooks
21 Gary Dmitrzak
34 Ted Geletka
22 David Gibbon
21 Tom Jonik
71 Kevin Kubala
3 Ron Lepionka
55 David Miller
15 Gary Sams
21 Duane Schifano
25 Bill Sirakos

Once the roster was solidified, the group had great fun sending messages via e-mail, Group Me, or text with various content.  Most of which were aimed at Teddy.  Keith was declared the "straw that stirred the drink", and he made sure to never disappoint, no matter what the subject.  Go back on blog entry to see Keith "sporting his championship ring" - aimed specifically at myself & Team Vaughn.  It was great fun to pose with him and his ring...

Our march to a championship begins tomorrow.  Wednesday April 15th.  All players are either arrived tonight or will be traveling tomorrow.  Practice is from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm.  Can't even begin to say how amped up I am to be playing baseball again.  My co-workers know that only one thing gives me an uncontrollable smile, thinking of playing baseball - then going out and performing.

Our mantra for the tournament has been "ALL IN".  Tomorrow we will begin to show how ALL IN we are.

David Miller advised everyone, yesterday, that he sprained his ankle.  He believes he will be playing on Thursday - we are all holding our breath.  We are about to see how good the Yankees training staff is.  Hope they are miracle workers.

Big thanks to:

Joe B of the Pirates, who sent out awesome Pirates gear to all team members.  We greatly appreciated the generosity.

Randy Stear, who is recovering from an injury, or would be on the roster.  Randy put together, along with Roy Berger, the 30 day countdown to FCCS 2015.  Each day brought a piece of historical Pirates trivia to our e-mail.  The best had to be the number of steal attempts by Spanky, along with the number of triples (and why) which was equal to the number of successful steals.  Can't wait to hear the reply from Spanky at practice tomorrow.

The gear & clothes are all packed, ready to fly.  So enjoy the ride with me, as we get set to take on some of the best Fantasy Campers who have participated over the past few years.


Reunion weekend

Been a while since an update was made to the blog, forgot to make an entry during the reunion weekend.  Last Memorial Day weekend, the group got together on Friday to play (4) games, called the Cornfield Corsairs.  The teams were drafted during the week prior, so chances of playing with the guys you were team mates with during Fantasy Camp are limited.  I played against Dave Miller & Teddy, and their team beat ours.  It is tough to pitch to a catcher who never has caught before.  Many trips to the backstop and pitching mechanics suffer greatly.

My son Adam was with me in Pittsburgh for the weekend, we had a blast, did many touristy things.  Finding the portion of Forbes Field, where Maz's 1960 series winning home run cleared the wall, was tricky to find, but well worth the trek.

Saturday morning was our chance to be Pirates and play at PNC.  Words cannot describe playing on a major league field.  I thought Pirate City was awesome, PNC, even better.  The outfield grass, better than playing on carpet.  Made you feel faster and more confident, knowing no bad hops or twisted ankles.

On Saturday morning, the reunion games were played at PNC Park.  If I thought playing at Pirate City was a thrill, the major league field is even better.  I have been asked if the grass was like carpet?  The appropriate answer would be - better than carpet.  I went 1 for 1, drove in Dave Miller, who hit a monster triple, 1 hop off the right field wall.  Best of all we beat the only team who beat us in Florida, final score 2-1.  Big ups to Roy Berger who lumbered around third on a base hit to right field, to score the winning run.  He claims he can't run, but when you give him the proper encouragement, he really has blistering wheels.

We missed Thomas Brooks, who had a mix up with schedules, and did not attend.  All other Team Vaughn members did make the trip - it was great to see them again.