Friday, January 31, 2014

Last Day - travel day tomorrow

Woke up today to..... you guessed it rain.  It has been raining since about 1:00 am.  Games with Baltimore's campers have been cancelled.  This will be the last entry to this blog from Florida.  When I get home, I will upload photos, as provided by my team mates.  So you may want to check back in a couple weeks.  After that, no more activity, this chapter will be closed.

Weather - 57 degrees, rain - high supposed to reach 70 degrees.

The morning announcements were cancelled.  At 9:00 am, we were told that the championship game was to be played in McKechnie Field and that anyone interested in playing pick-up baseball was welcome.  As we were cleaning out our lockers, Steve Blass just stopped by and told us stories about Earl Weaver and how he stopped game #7 of the 1971 World Series to complain about how Steve was positioned on the pitchers mound, in relation to the rubber.  It was all junk, but it gave Steve time to get focused and it was game on from there.  He took us through the Orioles lineup and how they decided to pitch to each.  How he made a mistake to Frank Robinson, who usually doesn't miss depositing a mistake into the stands, thank god this time he popped out to shortstop.  Steve also reminded us that Earl Weaver told the media, the Pirates could not win the World Series with Jackie Hernandez playing shortstop.  Well they did.  His description of the sleepless night before a game 7 will always be a fond memory.  Steve captivated a locker room full of grown men, who were mesmerized by his every word.  Took me back to 5th grade at Washington Elementary School, how proud I was that the Pirates had just won the World Series!  I am sure others were thinking fondly of where they were when the Pirates won!

By the time Steve was finished telling stories, the plan had changed yet again.  Weather has been a little bit of a problem this week, doesn't matter it was this a fantastic experience!  The championship game will be played at Pirate City on field 3 at 1:00 pm.  Pick-up baseball will follow the championship.  Many of us, (Matt & I included), will suit up one more time, as we came here to play baseball, and that is what will do.  Rain or not!

The disappointment of missing the playoffs has passed.  When I came here I expected to "Play Nice" as printed on my shoes!  Here is what playing nice is:
1)  Getting managed by Rennie Stennett and Omar Moreno (my favorite pirate).
2)  Spending time with Omar Moreno, finding out little things that you only get while eating a meal.
3)  Meeting Omar's son Jessie.
4)  Meeting other campers, who become your team mates and you spend a week with them playing a game they equally enjoy.
5)  Meeting veteran campers, who have been here 5 years or 10 years, or more.  They are quick to take you in, show you the ropes.  Why?  Because they love baseball, the Pirates, and you immediately get welcomed into that group.
6)  Skill level is never questioned, everyone helps everyone else - on your team, during warmups, in the batting cages, just support everywhere.
7)  Hanging out with former Pittsburgh Pirates, who tell some of the most humorous stories we will remember long after camp breaks.
8)  Having other campers compliment you about being a gentlemen and caring for other campers.
9)  Having other campers go out of their way to say you are a good guy, who they would love to have on their team.

These things meant the most.  Being able to play baseball at 52, smelling the grass and dirt, hitting a ball and running out of the batters box to stretch a single into a double, sliding - sliding - sliding, just getting your uniform a mess.  The overall experience was all this and more.

To clear up yesterdays entry.  The person doubled off third was no other than Matt Laughland, my room mate!  He wants it to be clear, that he was running because the pain in his body was so severe, he lost a sense of reason.  Safe travels back to you wife and daughter, who shall never be referred to as Madi!!  I always remember the discussions we had throughout the week.  The one to forget is the day we didn't make the playoffs.

Big thanks to Heather Laughland, who sent Matt to camp, you made a dream come true!  I can't wait to see you tomorrow...

Lastly it is only fitting for me to give a big thank you to D'arcy Jonik, who encouraged me to attend, and funded the trip.  I will always remember the love and generosity you have extended to me.  Thank you.  Love you and will see you tomorrow - I can't wait!

Final stats - through 7 games:

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Day 6 - Playoffs & consolation games

The morning run was full of surprise!  The temperature at 40 degrees, the wind whipping, and the slight rain coming down - was appropriate for the mood of Team Vaughan.

Weather - 54 degrees, windy & raining

The morning announcements were conducted by Steve Blass.  The usual rips on people for doing things of interest.  Calling out coaches for getting base runners doubled off of third base.  Room mates forgetting to flush before their room mate used the bathroom.  The golden rope went to Jim Gentile, who is one the nicest players in camp.  He is also a very good ball player.  He pitches and hits with exceptional power.  He went 5 for 7 in his ball game.

Steve Blass' Team, a team we spanked - beat the team that beat us yesterday.  The pinch running technique used against us yesterday, was not employed today, imagine that?  I don't know what the final score was.  I did get a minute with Steve to discuss my extreme disappointment in missing the playoffs and how it was done.  He thanked me for attending camp and swallowing the bitter pill.

Bruce Kison - Lee Lacy's Team, the team we spanked in McKechnie Field, also won.  While watching their game, Lee came over to me with a big smile, long laugh, patted me on the back and said, "we are so glad not to be playing against you anymore!"  I also don't know their final score, as it was so cold, my knees couldn't take the standing around.

We won the consolation game against Matt's team 8-4.  I went 1 for 2.  I was late for the game, missing the 1st inning, as Rennie & I were eating lunch.  I asked Rennie what time was game time, he said 1:30 pm.  So as he & I were walking to the field, he looked up and said, "they started already!"  Seems an announcement was made that the afternoon games would start at 1:15 pm.  The way our team feels - whatever...

Matt had a sweet hit to left field.  He also picked off one of our runners at first base, who fell to sleep after a pitch was made.  The umpire called him safe, but he was clearly out.  Great throw Matt!

Tomorrow the weather is supposed to be better, so we will play the Oriole campers.  I will be on a team that stays in Bradenton, again due to our being bounced from the playoffs.  The championship game is tomorrow, during the day, due to closing ceremonies being tomorrow night.

Last entry tomorrow night.

Playoff photos of the championship game - slightly cold & rainy.  Too bad the game was played on Field #3 at Pirate City instead of at the Stadium. The highlight was doing play-by-play from a picnic table above the field, with Marty Kirsch (Harry Carey) & James Steigerwald (Bob Uecker or whomever he wanted to impersonate!).  Best part was "singing take me out to the ballgame" - what a riot!

Day 5 - Dinner with our coaches (Rennie Stennett, Omar Moreno, & Edgar Varela

We ate tonight, as Team Vaughan, at Pier 22 in Bradenton.  Excellent food, reasonably priced.  Atmosphere is excellent, right on the water.  Decor is similar to what you would find at a Morton's Steakhouse.  We had our own private room, that sat all 18 of us.  We took our scorekeeper to dinner as well.

It started out like a wake, considering how we were cheated out of a playoff spot, but in a little while the mood lifted.  Rennie Stennett told stories regarding his career to the majors.  An attempt to make a comeback.  How the major leagues is a business and sometimes decisions are made to save face, rather than doing the correct thing.  Just like every other occupation - I guess.

Rennie told stories of how loose the clubhouse, these won't be published, because what happens at camp - stays at camp.  Certain quirky things about many ballplayers that most of you would recognize by name.  We laughed hysterically for the better part of 45 minutes.

Some observations of the camp experience:

1)  All the staffs (training, clubhouse, grounds crew, kitchen, security, and hotel administration) are very pleasing to interact with.  They are here to make you experience top notch, just like a major league ball player.
2)  The food is excellent.  You can eat as much as you want, which you will often hear from campers, "I gain 10 lbs when I'm down here."
3)  Of all the places I have gone on morning runs, this is my favorite.  The warning track around the ball fields is .62 of a mile, when you go around all 4 fields.  You don't have to worry about dogs, so you plug some tunes in and get after it.  The morning run is key to keeping your legs from getting stiff.  Plus running on the crushed sea shell warning track is different.  Seeing the palm trees that ring the outfield fences, makes you reflect on how fortunate you aren't in sub-zero Michigan!

Top to bottom captions:
1)  Omar hanging out on the couch in the clubhouse hallway, awaiting the completion of another rain delay.
2)  TJ with Edgar Varela, manager of the Bristol, VA rookie club.  Good luck in 2014.
3)  David Miller - Rennie Stennett - Frank Schlotter at the coach's dinner.
4)  Jessie Moreno & Omar Moreno at breakfast.  Big thrill for Roger Angelelli, who's grandson is a big fan of Omar's.  Roger was able to eat & converse with Omar.  See photo below, Roger posing for his photos with the Pros - just a photo I randomly took.
Dave Miller - Omar Moreno - Lee Lacy - Roger Angelelli - Don Robinson

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Day 5 - Let's get to the playoffs

Team Vaughan started the day with great expectations.  We have the best team in this camp, but the cruel reality of sports is about to ruin the day.

Weather - 57 degrees, cloudy with great expectations for rain

The morning briefing started with Steve Blass conducting his usual humorous fine session.  Dave Miller from our team was fined for getting picked off second by the hidden ball trick.  I was awarded the golden rope, which is awarded to the top player from the day before.  I asked to defer the actual award, due to the fact that previous winners did not perform so well after being the recipient.  When I made my request, Steve Blass was speechless.  He asked you want to do what?  The campers all started chanting "take the rope", which I reluctantly did - hoping I wouldn't dread the choice.
We played game #1 against Team Wagner, which we had to beat as they were undefeated.  The game was shortened to 5 innings, to avoid rain issues.  I pitched the initial 2 innings, taking care of business.  The best pitch of the day came to Tom Harmon one of the nicest campers.  On an 0-2 count I threw this nasty curve ball, starting it right at him, then it broke about 8" right over the plate for called strike three.  We won the game, taking us to 5 & 0.  Playoff bound, or so it would seem.  Our team allowed the least amount of runs, had the highest batting average, and thought we were in.  I went 2 for 3 in the game, don't know the balance of the stat line.

My arm got a little tight, so between games I went to the trainer for some heat & the rubbed it out.  I thought great, we can have others pitch in game #2, because we are in.  So myself & Dave Miller did not pitch in game #2.

We got the lead in game #2 against Team Waner, going up 2-0.  Then some strange events began to take place.  We will name - names to identify the guilty parties.  Team Waner began having Todd Lowrey run for each hitter, this allowed slower runners to hit the ball, then have Todd leg it out.  He is one of the best athletes in camp.  Then when Todd would be on base, they would replace him with Dave Miller (not ours), who is also a good athlete.  The rule was the last out maker was to be the pinch runner and if the players needed pinch runners, how come they were able to take their position in the field.  Thinking we were in the playoffs, I just watched and said nothing.  They tied the score at 2, then took the lead 3-2 in the 3rd inning.  Thomas Brooks, an excellent pitcher, pitched his 3 strong innings.  In the bottom of the 3rd, we took the lead 4-3.  We pitched Clyde Warren, who had yet to pitch.  When  you initially start pitching, it takes a little time to settle in.  By the time he did, we were down 6-4.  Thought no big deal, even if we lose, we are in the playoffs.  The big surprise came in the bottom of the 5th, when it was announced that if we lost, the tie breaker was total runs scored.  By that calculation, we had to win.  The team was deflated by the news, tough to come back from such news.  Rennie Stennett was never explained the rules and he was really hot.  All week we have been the best team in camp, and to get bounced due to a rule that was never explained seemed criminal.  We gave up a couple more runs going down 8-4.  Scored a single run to make the final 8-5.  Just like that out of the playoffs.  This entire situation smells of the internal politics of Fantasy Camp.  Some coaches were made aware of the run rule, ours were not.

To work so hard, play our butts off, then be on the outside looking in.  Kind of makes you want to pack your bags and head home today.  The entire team is very discouraged by the events and we would have played game #2 differently if we knew we had to win.  We could have started different pitchers, used pinch running techniques for all our slow runners, and eliminated them from getting thrown out from the outfield on solid base hits.  I fault the event organizers for not providing sufficient information to plan properly.  This camp is supposed to be about having fun, but sooner or later the competition side of people surface, and the rules are bent to a teams benefit.

I enjoyed this week, it was even better than I could have imagined.  I was fortunate to be on a fantastic group of ball players, who came together as a team.  We provided encouragement for each other and displayed the true spirit of teamwork. 

In the end, we came up short.  We were all excited to get into the playoffs, to do the work to play in a championship game under the lights.  But just like everything in life, along came an unexpected curve ball.  Too bad it wasn't hanging and we hit it out!

Looks like rain all day on Thursday, which probably means the playoffs will move to Friday and we won't be playing the Baltimore Oriole campers.  After what happened to Team Vaughan today - we really don't care...

Matt's team got their first win today.  I am happy for him.  They get to play us tomorrow.

Julie Seidman taking a pitch inside, that was called strike three!  Blown call...

Matt Laughland is catching, even a bad toe, he was a real tough guy and played through it.

Additional photos are available at, in the title bar look for FANS.  Roll cursor over, then in far left of drop down, click on EXPERIENCES & MERCHANDISE.  Right lower corner is PIRATES FANTASY CAMP.  From there you will be able to view photos from all the various days.  Enjoy!

Photo of Steve Blass presenting the Gold Rope Award.  Yesterday at McKechnie Field was a baseball day one can only dream about, what a blessing... 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Day 4 - Playing at McKechnie (Pirates minor league field)

Today was the day every camper dreams about.  The sun came up without a cloud in the sky.  Glorious.  The reason why spring training is held in Florida & Arizona.  Summer in the middle of Pittsburgh winter.

Weather - 75 degrees, sunny.

The morning announcements were cut short, due to the shuttles having to take players to McKechnie Field, about a 15 minute drive through some run down neighborhoods.  There is an orange grove just south of the Pirate City complex (Mixons) which everyone says is a can't miss destination. They have orange/vanilla twist ice cream, which everyone raves about. Might try some tomorrow as rain is expected - again...

On a positive note, I did not receive any fines at the morning announcements.  Whew!

We had the last game today 3:30 pm start.  In the battle of two undefeated teams, we beat them 12-3.  A real team victory.  Dave Miller doubled in the second inning, as I approached the batters box, the other team executed a hidden ball trick.  Really?  Needless to say I was slightly more than upset.  I said it was bush league & bullbleep.  What is upsetting is the manner in which the rules are explained, that you can take a fixed lead off to the grass cut-outs.  Pick off plays are allowed, but this rule flaws the fundamental principles of good base running - staying on the base until the pitcher is on the rubber.  We finished the inning 1-2-3.  Upon returning to the bench, I gathered the team, explained how we would run bases the balance of the game and how this should fire all of us up!  Then got in the batters box and beat out a ground ball to the shortstop.  By the end of the inning we had a 2-0 lead.  I was asked to pitch, though I didn't really want to.  Started out a little nervous and couldn't see the target as the sun was going down over the pavilion behind home plate.  I couldn't get my hat just right, with the glasses.  Rennie Stennett came to the mound and got me to just relax & throw strikes.  I escaped the inning by cutting off a throw to the plate, then turning and throwing out the runner who rounded third too wide!  Awesome, nice tag by Thomas Brooks (outstanding baseball player).  The next two innings, just fastballs - great defense behind me, plus a couple of strikeouts.

Rennie Stennet made an adjustment in my swing, after I took a stinger in the thumb region.  Felt weird, but when contact was made - Kaboom.  I got a double on my next at bat that drove in 2 runs, Thomas, Ted, & Clyde followed with solid hits - the rout was on!  Just goes to show that poor sportsmanship can often backfire - they should have never did the hidden ball trick!

This game was considered a TV game, meaning it goes onto the camp DVD.  Joe K, the live host from Pittsburgh, interviewed Rich (starting pitcher) Clyde (previous camper who drove in big runs with two outs) and myself (camp rookie).  It was quite a thrill.

Once finished, we returned to Pirate City.  The training methods used to keep a pitching arm in shape is awesome.  They bundle you up in ice for 15 minutes.  Makes your arm feel great when they take the rap off.

I was late for dinner & the autograph session, due to the training room (yes I did visit them!)  Got the leftover food.  I did get all the autographs I wanted.  The Fantasy Camp jersey is impressive.  Only Edgar (assistant coach) is missing - will see him tomorrow.

We also got bats today.  Most people had the pros sign theirs.  Since we get a ball with all their autographs - I am having all my team mates sign mine.

Game #5 is against a 1 loss team, Game #6 is against an undefeated team, but they play the team we just beat - we could use some help.  But we control our own fate.  Team playing loose and just enjoying the moment.  Great bunch of people.

The photos taken by the professional photographers are off the chart, plenty of action shots - they are great at what they do.

We are taking our coaching staff to dinner, on the Gulf, at a restaurant called Pier 21.  Omar Moreno likes the place, it sits right on the water.

Matt's team continues to have their challenges.  They were beaten 18 - 5.  They continue to have pitching problems.  Matt's toe injury has made his camp somewhat disappointing.  However, he is looking for the positives and there are many.  The greatest one being, he is playing baseball on grass that is so nice - you could sleep on it!  These fields are so sweet, it is like playing on carpet, never a bad hop...

This is enough for today - I'm a little tired and the 5:00 am run will come early tomorrow....

Monday, January 27, 2014

Day 3 - Let's Play Two!

The day started with much promise.  The sun was rising, the skies to the East were sunny, the clouds were a combination of pink & blue.  However, to the West, gray skies - a foreshadowing of things to come.

Weather - 73 degrees, rain often a deluge at times throughout the day

Morning briefing attended by Clint Hurdle, manager of the Pirates.  He thanked the campers for all their support.  Very humble man - very down to earth, perfect fit for the Pirates organization.  He stayed for the greater part of the morning.  His message was clear, the Pirates were 9 wins short of the goal.  The team has work to do and they know what it is.  They are looking for big things in 2014.
 TJ with Clint Hurdle at Diamond #4
Dave Miller with Clint Hurdle at Diamond #4

Neil Walker was also at Pirate City today.  He took BP in the cages.  The difference between his swing & a campers is highly noticed.  The crack of his bat is like a gun going off and the ball jumps to the back of the cage.  It is every time, very consistent swing.  He was also very appreciative of the campers, and the past Pirate pros.  The care he expressed toward Bill Virdon was a true testimony of character.  Clint Hurdle direction at it's best.

Steve Blass did the morning announcements & fines with his usual precision.  I think I will be on the fine list for Wednesday morning, won't give any details until confirmed.

During the morning stretch Clint Hurdle walked amongst the players, laughed at how some campers couldn't quite stretch like our trainer.  Afterward, he took the time to give autographs and photos with the campers.  I got one with him, congratulated him on a great 2013 season, let him know I was from Michigan, which he responded he grew up in Big Rapids, MI.  Did not know that.  What a class act Clint Hurdle is, with a constant focus on making every aspect of his life better.  A true leader....

The rains came before the morning announcements.  It was a huge downpour.  It totally changed the schedule for the day.  We played on the synthetic field, #3, and cut the games to 4 innings, with the intent to play the afternoon games on the fields, once dry.

That plan worked for a little while.  We played our morning game at 11:30 am.  We won 5-0, I went 2 for 2, 2 runs, 2 RBI.  I made an error on a fly ball, which I ran a ways for, it hit me in the glove finger & dropped (Arrrrgh!)  Should have got those contacts!!!  Missing the normal lunch service.  The staff was nice enough to provide food, which we self-served.  At lunch with Omar Moreno, Rennie Stennett, and Omar's youngest son Jessie.

During lunch, the monsoon struck again.  It was determined that games could not be played on Field #4.  So we sat around waiting to play on the synthetic field.  Bad enough it is Day 3 and your legs are tightening up, but then you have to sit around, only leading to additional discomfort.  Word of the week, is STRETCH.

We played Team Steve Blass in the afternoon, starting around 3:45.  He bragged in the morning announcements how his team won 23-5.  Bad thing to do, as his team lost 2 today.  We took them out 10-2.  I went 2 for 3, 0 RBI, 1 run.  Made two running catches in centerfield.  The change in glasses was a great thing.  See the ball better off the bat & better when tracking pitches.

Things aren't going so good for my room mate Matt.  Team Dave Cash forgot to draft any pitching, so they usually walk in about 4 to 6 runs before recording an out.  He also injured his big toe while pitching, will lose the toe nail.  He caught today and looked like a beast.  Turning a bases loaded nubber into a double play, third to home to first.

Tomorrow we play at the minor league stadium,  McKechnie Field.  We are playing Team Traynor, also 3-0, will be a good test for our team.  Once again we are the last game, meaning we will be last into the clubhouse, for the 3rd day in a row.

Oh yeah, it is sweet to take your dirty uni & cleats - throw it into a hamper - to find it pristine cleaned in your locker in the morning.  I have slid (3) times, getting the nasty red clay on my pants, in the morning gone.  The miracle of modern chemistry never cease to amaze me.

Tomorrow night is the "All American Baseball Cookout" and autograph session.  Plenty of stuff to have signed, can't wait.

Blog post tomorrow might be short..

Too bad this message was never received.  With all the bitter cold in Michigan, I couldn't help myself from sending a note to Deb Lock, which read "Time to go to work!"  My locker mate Marty Kirsch was nice enough to take the photo, it was pure joy working in a uniform every morning...

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday Jan 26th - Day 2

First, introduction to my roommate.  Matt Laughland from Burlinton, NJ.  Matt recently celebrated the birth of his daughter.  Mom & daughter are doing fine.  What a sweetheart of a wife, as she encouraged Matt to attend, even though a newborn can be a challenge!

Weather - overcast, a balmy 67 degrees, little spit of rain now & then.

Breakfast - food, is awesome.  Had an egg white omelet, with all kinds of stuff & yogurt.  Ah protein.

First morning announcements were conducted by Steve Blass.  Absolutely hilarious, the kind of jokes that make your cheeks hurt.  No details, need to keep this G-rated.  Steve levies fines for all kinds of things that campers do.  If you think I do weird things, I was not fined on the initial day, thank god.  A fine is $1 and goes toward the Pirate Players Alumni fund.  Appeals that are lost, and you always lose cost you $5.  Take your lumps and move on...

Morning stretch, easy.  The P90X stretches are way better.  But it is fun to see 95 other campers stretching.

BP was a blast.  Shagging fly balls in January on fields with grass that are like putting greens - glorious!!  The crack of the bat, the pop of a glove, the smell of summer.  Amazing.  My timing was a little off, our BP pitcher was the Pirates rookie league manager - super nice guy.

The evaluation game was much more interesting, as campers comprise the pitching staff.  Needless to say their control is less than that of a major leaguer.  Speeds are different and the location adds to the confusion.  The result, you pound everything into the ground, due to over striding.

We have a decent team.  If you have pitching, and we have 5 guys who can pitch, your team has a chance.  We won our 1st game 8 - 4.  After taking a called third strike (on a curve ball I knew was coming, arggghhh) I followed with 2 singles, drove in 1, and scored 1.  Just tracking fly balls again and throwing to bases, what a thrill.   Glad to win the 1st one.  Nelson Briles, past Pirate pitcher, son Dave is on our team.  Very nice person - just like his deceased father, who loved the Fantasy Camp.  He loved the game and wanted to pass the major league experience onto the average fan.  Mission accomplished.

The little things.  The locker room staff, training staff, and groundskeepers are amazing.  True professionals, that make taking care of the field & players look easy.  Get this, you go out in the morning, get you shoes all dirty, go eat lunch - come back to the clubhouse where your cleaned shoes await your afternoon activity.  Yes Adam, the locker room products in the bathroom are as rediculous as at PNC Park.  They have everything.  The floss & mouthwash were nice after lunch!!

Enough for today, I should sleep well, I ran quite a bit & loved it...

Photos from the shoot where each camper gets an individual shot with each Pirate great.  Each camper also gets a team photo with all the Pirate legends - too cool!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Day 1 - photo technical difficulties

As with all electronic gadgets.  Worked fine downloading files from the phone at home.  Tie into the wireless network at Pirate City, and KABOOM!, doesn't work the same or at all.

Day 1 - was spent wandering around the facility.  Talking with other campers who have attended multiple camps, it is like a renunion around every turn!

The fields look awesome, the support staff is ready to assist, and the pro staff looks like they are ready to instruct, while having fun with the campers.

We eat tomorrow at 7:00 am, then the entire group will enter the clubhouse together.  We will get out uniforms, get settled into our lockers, then out to stretch.

Will keep working on uploading of photos, no guarentees.

Day 1 - Travel day

Too excited to sleep, had to confirm that FedEx delivered my equipment.  Thank God it arrived yesterday at 10:00 am.  Gotta love the efficiency of FedEx, what would the world do without them?

Agenda for today, everyone arrives before 5:00 pm.  Factoids of the 96 man roster:
Oldest camper - 80
Youngest camper - 34
Average age - 55
Furthest travel distance - 2,577 miles (makes my 1,210 seem like a walk!)
Shortest travel distance - the 80 year old camper, lives in Bradenton.

No baseball activities today, even pick-up a ball or bat, you will be fined in kangaroo court tomorrow morning!

6:00 pm - 8:00 pm welcome reception, meet the pros & all fellow campers

Off to the elliptical, run a few miles before catching a 7:25 am flight.

Weather report:
Detroit - 20 degrees, light snow & windy
Bradenton - 68 degrees, partly cloudy

This is what I got off the plane in Florida to.  Looks like the start of a fantastic trip.

The entrance to Pirate City, southern home of the Pittsburgh Pirates and training facility.

Leaving the snow of Michigan to a destination that not only looks like summer, but check out the practice fields!

The opening ceremony was also conducted on the Travel Day.  Below are photos of the Pirates dining facility, did I mention who excellent the food service was?

All Pirate legends from previous squads, including players from the 1971 & 1979 World Series Champions!
 Breakfast on Sunday morning.  It was funny to see, who opted to get up early, who stayed in bed for maximum rest (or to get over the previous evening's activities).