Saturday, April 22, 2017

We Lost in the Finals - AGAIN

The day started with promise, as the Pirates beat the Yankess in a back and forth game.  Final score 6 'to 5.

The Championship Game was an abortion.  We lost 12 to 6 to the Mets.  Too many blunders by the Pirates let our dream of donning rings slip through the cracks.

There will not be a next year, as this is the final posting for anything Pirates baseball.  It was a good run, with some friendships gathered along the way.  In the end, I'm another year older, time to do other things....

Friday, April 21, 2017

Game #3 and Game #4 results

Quick post at the end of a busy day.

Game #3 -  Pirates beat up on the Twins, final score 18 to 5.  Not the same Twins team that won the 2016 FCCS crown, as many of the players had scheduling conflicts.  We got up on top of the Twins, by scoring 12 runs in the 1st inning.

Game #4 -  Pirates beat the Yankees 1 Team, final score 9 to 2.  At the conclusion of the day, the Pirates are the only team undefeated, with a 4 wins 0 loss record.  We are the number one seed of the tournament.

Tonight we ate dinner at Charley's Steak House, next to the hotel.  Great atmosphere, food was excellent.  Now it is time to get some much needed rest.  Tomorrow is winner take all.  No margin for error, win or you are out.  We need two more wins, tomorrow is another day.  Everything to this point is history.

Won an additional Stargell Star for completing an outfield double play.  The third hitter, a real stud, hit a short fly to right field.  After catching the fly ball, the runner on third base attempted to score, I threw a one hop to Wardo, who put the tag on the runner.  End of the inning.  I then lead off the bottom of the inning with a single to the right side of the infield.  After a throwing error, I ended up on 2nd base.

A few photos from today.

Outfielder sunglasses, a must for Spanky, miss a fly ball - don't come back to the dugout!

Right field at the stadium, prior to Game #3

Miller showing off

Paul Bazzano, had a monster game - with big hits

Dave Miller, getting ready to pounce

Rob Carver, with the awesome tatoo.  Miller should have told me to wear a hat, hair is out of control.

(3) more Stargell Stars, nice addition to the hat.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Game #1 & Game #2 Results

The first game of the day was at 8:30 am.  We left the hotel at 6:30 am with the plan to be in the batting cage at 7:00 am.  Construction continues on the renovations to Steinbrenner Field.  They turned on the lights at 5:00 am so the workers could get some work done before the sun started to bake.  The workers are removing the metal roof decking and replacing.

The field looks awesome.  A photo from behind the  plate reveals the beauty of the field and the day that is about to commence.

Our first game was versus Yankees 2.  The Buccos started Dan Hoover on the bump.  He pitched six strong innings allowing no runs.  The offense was lead by many of the new rookies, along with the usual contributors.  We played excellent defense, making the plays necessary to secure a win.  I ended up with two hits.  A single back through the middle and a double into the left center field gap.  I also through out a Yankee attempting to stretch a single into the right center field gap into a double.  Then two innings later I threw out a runner attempting to score from second base on a solid single to right field.  The day earned me two Stargell Stars.  The team earned another star for each win.  Not a bad day, collecting 4 stars.  Thanks Joe Billedeaux for supplying the stars.

When the dust settled, we disposed of the Yankees 2 Team 8 - 0.

Excellent fields, the grounds crew does a fantastic job getting into game shape

Game #1 - Line up card

Game #2 was versus the Dodgers, a tournament new comer.  We knew little about this team, other than what Mike Labanowski provided.  Mike played with many of the players over the years.

The Dodgers took a 1 run lead in the second.  We tied the score in the bottom of the inning.  We took a 1 run lead in the third inning.  The Dodgers tied it up at 2 in the fourth.  Then took a 1 run lead in the fifth.  We tied the score in the bottom of the fifth.  In the sixth, David Miller battled for a 14 pitch at bat, resulting in a walk.  He promptly moved to third, when during his steal attempt the throw to first base eluded the first basemen.  He scored on a solid hit to right center by David Gibbon, who was also the winning pitcher.  Pitching 6 strong innings.  Lestert Beard came in to record the save.  Today we got timely 2 out hitting from every position in the line-up.  I hit into a fielders choice, which tied the score and walked.  I was doubled up, when stealing second base, the ball was popped up to first base.  Before I could find the ball (was 3/4 the way to second), I was easily doubled up attempting to return to the base.

So day one is complete, with 2 wins under our belts.  We start all over again tomorrow, as today's success does not mean anything to tomorrow's games.

Stadium prior to the Dodgers game

Game #2 - Line up card

The Pirate Team did what we always do, taking over the locker room, until we were kicked out at 5:30 pm.  We even added the "Raise the Jolly Roger" flag to the locker room.  After going 2 & 0 to start the tournament, we have bragging rights for today.  The Mets had a great day today, also going 2 & 0.  They play the Yankees 1 & Yankees 2 on Friday.  The Pirates have the Twins and Yankees 1 on Friday.  The goal is to end up as the number 1 or number 2 seed.  We have our eyes on #1 and more Stargell Stars.

Spanky holding court - he still has his eye patch from 2016 (Thanks to D'arcy Jonik)

Taking over the locker room - Raise the Jolly Roger!!

Team just chilling.  When the 4 rookies found they did not have cool Yankee chairs, like the rest of the Pirates Team.  The did what good Pirates do.  "We take what we want, when we want"  Famous quote from Spanky.

Travel Day - Practice

Wednesday was travel day.  Left Metro at 8:30 am, Delta was late pushing off as usual.  Ride was uneventful, watched a movie - bore fest.  David Miller arrived before me, traveling from Pittsburgh through Washington DC, before arriving in Tampa.

Checking into the hotel was the same as in years past.  We got settled into our room without incident.

The FCCS Pirates met in the hotel lobby, creating a caravan to Steinbrenner Field.  Our practice was conducted on Auxiliary Field, next to the stadium.
Rocking the Michigan Bulls hat in front of the Yankees complex

Spanky began by working with the outfielders, hitting fly balls, grounders, and making us run!  By the time we were done, we were winded and worked up quite a sweat.  Wardo worked with the infielders.  We conducted drills covering bunt coverage, run downs, etc.  Then for the last hour we took batting practice.  Spanky threw the entire hitting session.  Can't complain about the performance of the bat, it stung the ball.  With the heat hovering about 90 degrees, we received extensive instructions to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate.  With practice complete, time for the team dinner.

Team assembled at Maggiano's, they took good care of the FCCS Pirates
The team dinner was held at a different location, since we are interested in achieving a different result than the 2015 & 2016 tournaments.  The team enjoyed the conversation, Spanky's stories, and the funny situations that presented themselves over the past two years.  The Steinbrenner Auxilary Field right field corner, was officially named Jonik Corner, for the dive - roll - and tearing of my pants.  The entire team piled on the joke.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Hard work beats talent that doesn't work hard...

One of the greatest quotes that I found on the MLB site, in one of the articles.  It became my motivational statement back in September of 2016.  My outdoor training facility opened in my backyard, as I annexed the church property.  Cut in a baseball diamond, to determine how well I was hitting the ball off the tee.  Honing of the baseball swing began.

Sean Gallagher - hitting coach, provided some insight to one of his pupils.
The next step was to find a hitting instructor.  Lucky for me, Dave Marvin's kids were coached by Sean Gallagher at the Bull Pen in Farmington Hills MI.  Sean did a tremendous job in breaking down my swing and providing me with the inspiration to improve my swing.  Sean spent many hours with me and provided me with valuable pitching machine time.  I can't begin to thank you for the little lessons you have provided.  I highly recommend you to anyone attempting to improve their batting skills, no matter what age level.  You do a tremendous job relating to your young players as well as your varsity players.  Thanks for allowing me to work out with so many quality kids.  The results in the cage have been tremendous.  Once in Florida, we will see how it translates to game speed.
Last instruction - ready for Florida and FCCS 2017

Never enough work...

Hitting off the tee began in September.  Usually between 4:00 am and 6:00 am.  Anywhere from 20 balls to 120 ball, depending on how much time I could spare before work.  With the very mild winter, I only missed days when there was heavy accumulation of snow.  As the photo below shows, even with a light dusting, I got work in.  Really abused the once nice grass/weeds that were once fertilized into a pristine condition.  

December 5th - early morning

Training facility - after hitting roughly 3,000 balls (April 18th)
 Great things that happened along the journey.  Purchasing a custom bat.  Once I punished bamboo, maple, and ash bats.  The decision was made to purchase a Louisville Slugger ash bat, to my own specifications.  When it arrived it was better than I could have imagined.  I had some issues with the bat.  Just when I though things could not get worse, after a call to Louisville Slugger directly, I was put in touch with Jen Anderson (sp?) who is the Pro Bat Representative.  Has to be one of the greatest jobs on planet.  Jen listened to my predicament and was kind enough to order a replacement bat through the pro bat department.  As the start of the tourney was exactly 3 weeks away, the same amount of time to manufacture a bat, she went above and beyond. Promising to get the bat made, and if needed, ship the bat to Florida.  Talk about customer service.  The bat arrived at my house 1 week earlier than my departure.  I have been able to practice hitting.  The bat is everything advertised and then some.  I can't thank Jen enough for getting me the proper equipment to excel in the batters box.  Thanks again.

So the glove, cleats, uniforms, bats, etc. are all packed ready to make the trip to Tampa.  Practice is at 1:30 pm with the team dinner in the early evening.

For those who will follow along the Pirates schedule is as follows:

8:30 am    Pirates       vs    Yankees 2
11:15 am  Dodgers     vs    Pirates

11:15 am   Pirates       vs    Twins
2:00 pm     Yankees 1 vs    Pirates

Saturday (If we finish in the #1 or #2 seed in pool play)
12:00 pm   Semi-finals  
3:00 pm     Championship

Coming soon, more about the team roster.

Results from 2016 Tournament

Since I never made a final entry after the final day of the 2016 FCCS Tournament, you can assume the results were not favorable for the Pirates.

We began the day knowing to claim the championship trophy, it would require 3 wins.  The weather was perfect, great for playing baseball.  The Pirates played great baseball in first two games, disposing of the competition.

Making it to the Championship Game for the second year was quite thrilling.  Walking into the stadium to the Florida breeze, with flowers in bloom, onto grass that is better than most carpeted surfaces.  Fantastic!

We played a Twins team, that was very well put together.  A good combination of hitters, speed, fielding, but most of all pitching.  We stayed tied at 1 all, until the 5th inning when after seeing Lester for the 3rd time, got hot.  They crushed a few consecutive doubles and by the innings end plated 4 runs.

The Pirates made a two out rally in the 7th, loading the bases, before Lester grounded out to end the game.  Two years in a row, the Pirate team could only claim being the National League Champions.  Hardly what we came for.

Congratulations to the Twins team, winners of the first FCCS Championship Rings.  You guys were a class team, that performed better than the Pirates in 2016.  See you in 2017.